Welcome to Rhiot.io Project.
Rhiot is the messaging platform for the Internet Of Things. We are focused on an adoption of the Red Hat JBoss middleware portfolio to provide solutions to the common IoT-related challenges.
Rhiot features
Rhiot comes with the following features:
- IoT gateway software
- Backend cloud services (Rhiot Cloud)
- Web console for managing the devices, gateways and Cloudlets
- IoT deployment utilities
- Performance Testing Framework for the IoT gateways
Here you can find the reference documentation for the Rhiot.
Current release
The latest and the greatest version of the Rhiot is 0.1.4
. Wondering what's new there? Here are the release notes.
You're more than welcome to join our Rhiot mailing list. We are also present on the #rhiot IRC channel at Freenode and twitter @rhiot_io
You can create new issue, bug, comment here.
Build status
If you want to build the project yourself, read this document.
The Rhiot project is distributed under the Apache 2.0 Software License.